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About me

Sofía's Blog: How it begin?

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Creating a blog has always one of those ideas that I always want to do, Since 2020, I was researching about web-pages and blog to create my own blog. However, I didn't know what to write about, and on my last year at high school, my Spanish teacher told us about the importance of having a web-site to publicated about essays, ideas, experiences and more, because all of this information will  be importance to us in the future, specially for students that want to migrate to another country.


Now that I'm aware about my surroundings, I start to write about my experiences and what I learn during my high school, also I add some books review about romance that I was reading during years ago. I hope this can help, inspired and encourage you to create a blog.

Now talking about myself:


Currently, 2022 (16 years-old), I'm a student applying for a History and Politics degree. I started with this dream since I was 13 years-old. I always loved "History, politics and humanities" from my school's course, perhaps I'm from Peru, and if you know something about Peru is that this was the capital of the Spanish conquest during the "Vireinato", learning about the history of my country was and is amazing, Peru offert a lot of rich culture, every city and place that you visit have something to teach you. â€‹


By the way I hope you enjoy my content and also if you want to follow me in my social media I will be so grateful. Moreover if you want me to make some collaboration, please sent me a messages by this way or by my instagram. Also, if you are here by "Blogspot", leave a message.


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