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Help the Dog Shelter in Trujillo - Peru 2022

Actualizado: 18 sept 2023

As part of our CAS course (Creativity, Activity and Service), in the month of October my group “Corazones Unidos” managed to get in contact with a dog shelter "Vicente Delfin Cabada A.P.A". Because we always see many abandoned puppies on the streets that are looking for a place to live or are lost and have some diseases, but for care reasons we cannot do something for them directly. That is why we have found a dog shelter in Trujillo, which has 6 puppies, who are in charge of all their care. So after having visited and lived with the puppies. We have considered as a group the following.


  1. Blankets for puppies

  2. Medicines, treatments, analysis, etc.

  3. New houses for puppies

  4. Food

  5. Help in social networks

¿How can we help them?

The manager of the hostel has told us that they have merchandise that they sell, such as; poles, bracelets and necklaces with alcohol and/or for alcohol. We thought of putting up a small stand to be able to sell their products either inside the school or outside it. Or in any case we could look for godparents for the puppies, and in this way they take care of helping them with all their needs.

In addition, we plan to help them with social networks, increasing their visits and in this way also help them to become known and in this way help them to obtain help from other places so that they can cover their expenses.


As a group we set ourselves the goal of finding the necessary money to cover most of the expenses of all these puppies, in addition to trying as much as possible to make this shelter known and to publicize all the cases of the puppies there. Also being able to help the managers, especially in covering the expenses in the treatment and analysis that the dogs must be done.

Also in a few days I gonna post about the activity that we did to collect the money for this dog shelter.

And if you want to know bit more of this Dog Shelter, you can read this Help the Dog Shelter - Forum

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