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Work Experience Week (WEW) in Arequipa

Actualizado: 20 sept 2023

As part of the WEW (Work Experience Week) program, which encourages the development of our skills and decision-making for our future, as professionals and even helps improve confidence for the student who participates. For this reason, us, students of 5th year of high school (last year of school in Peru), they come to ask us; What are you going to study at university? Perhaps it may sound very overwhelming to constantly hear this question, however, it is one of the most important decisions of our future life.

For this reason, the school gave us this week of work experience, in which we have been allowed to go in search of a job similar or equal to the one we are going to study at the university. And let me say that it was a crazy week. But before I told you something about how was that crazy week. I'm gonna explain something about the place that I was.

Tourist Center "Monasterio Santa Catalina". This convent is located in Arequipa Perú, and it keeps working since 1580. Was founded by the wish of the council of canons and the necessary licenses for the founding of the “Monasterio de Monjas Privado de la Orden de Santa Catalina de Siena,” or “Private Convent of the Sisters of the Order of Saint Catherine of Siena.” But in that time there wasn't enough budget so this project was postponed. Until the arrival of a widowed woman, Doña María de Guzmán, who decided to help.

After some years, Doña María de Guzmán, decided to shut herself away in the convent, which was still under construction, and give away all her earthly belongings.

So years later, in October 2, 1580, a high mass was held in the city and Doña María, recognized as the founder, formally donned her habit. The women who entered the convent as nuns included women of mixed race, European descent, and even the daughters of indigenous curacas, or chiefs. It was not until 1964 that the first Spanish nuns joined. History also tells us of “poor nuns” and ladies from Arequipa’s high society, who—without giving their life over fully to religion—came to the convent for a time to practice their virtues. You can know more about this convent in the next web site. As a curious fact about this monastery; the nuns run three businesses: a restaurant, a hotel, and the tourist center where I stayed working.

Well now I will tell you about that chaotic week. To make clear everything, what I'm gonna tell you is a summary of this week.

The first day, I went early to work to explain me all the things that I had to do. And the first thing they had me do was cleaning the glass shelves and it was important to do it carefully because every product were delicate. (Making a confession I don't like to clean and when I do it, I don't do well at all) Anyways, after finish that I had to prepare the products (like biscuits, tarts and more) in the pantry, as a curious fact, the nuns make all this desserts that they sale.

On that day, I had meet two ladies that were my work-mates during that whole week. They taught me everything to run this little shop: prices, products names, how to serve the desserts and more. Also I had to mention that my work hours were from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm. And in Arequipa in winter, sunrise and sunset were early, so at 5:30 it was night. And about the public attendance was quiet.

The next three days were to boring, the public attendance were to quiet. And there was hardly much for me to do. The other two ladies, were with too much things to do, like going to the market to buys some things for the nuns and more. But me as a student, I couldn't do all those things. But in the fourth day, the things became more fun.

On Thursday, some of the products were finish off. Then it was time to put some of them in stock, but first we need to packed them. And put the correct sticker and seal them. In the next video, is the compilation of all the things I had to do.

In this video, we can see how I made the package of the famous parsley soap and rose cream made by the nuns. These products are the most sold of the convent, because this products are good for your skincare routine.

On Friday, was the last day I work there. So I started the day early, and going to work. On that day, I bought some of the desserts. And they were good! Also I bought other products for my family, using my worker discount.

In conclusion, this was the best experience I had. I learn a lot about the public service and the administration of a workplace. Also, I had to admit that in that week, not everything was happy. There were some problems that in every place has, so I can said that in the work experience week I had the complete experience of worked.

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We read soon!

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